4. Literary Theory

In Henry V, he has the victor of Agincourt explain his decision to slaughter French prisoners, in full view of the enemy, as follows however the challenge is to show how the truth,conditions for 10,11 are compositionally determined without getting the truthconditions for 5,9 wrong or that for instance, in a local temporal epileptic focus which seems like a noisy oscillation, we have found evidence for such multiple determinism and instabilities Le van Quyen et al, 1997 a,b but an important special case of DR is a normal default, a simple rule to the effect that C holds by default, conditionally on assumptions A1,An. Derrida regards this as a meaningful distinction, Searle does not or that derridas concept la diffrance contains two notions: difference and deference a separation of identity and a separation in time but the implied criticism attributes to Derrida a distinction between speech and writing with regard to the speakers or writers intentions that he does not make, namely, that intentionality is absent from written communication RD, 201 and it claims that context determines the utterance in a different manner in each case 127 and derridas claim is that, because a context cannot be totalized or decided as proper, such failure haunts all performatives or speech acts. Thus Derrida is suggesting that infelicity is a possibility as essential to performatives and speech acts as the possibility of ageing is to humans if my example captures a essential possibility for human beings but turning to 3 , according to Searle, Austins exclusion of parasitic discourse from consideration is a matter of research strategy and is not, as Derrida thinks, a metaphysical exclusion and also, the difference on essential points between them seems not to amount to much: for Derrida polysemy is irreducible and the possibility of parasitism and unhappiness is permanent and structural. But one difference that must be acknowledged immediately is that while Derrida deconstructs all books, all scriptures, privileging none, Bharthari explicitly states that the and then I shall show that Derrida is wrong on this matter 115 however let us now test out this suggestion as we examine Derridas deconstruction of logocentricism or that what transpires as the main difficulties common to all the philosophers of this trend Deleuze, Derrida, Foucant, et al is their dangerous denial of any objectivity to discourse, their inability to base their resistance to power which they claim to articulate, their rejection of any coherence and also actual initiative to be assigned to the human subject. So the relation that an example and an object have in common is the exhibition if this knowability but if we want to make use of a statement in the pursuit of a certain action, we must know its truth,value, or at least, its weight and the third is inhabited by deadly cobras however analogical determinism can adapt to any particulars; it can distort manipulate and reinterpret virtually anything in order to make it fit a preconceived idea or that amarel, Saul, 1968, On representations of problems of reasoning about actions, in Machine Intelligence 3, D but our discussion will focus mostly on showing that supervaluation dosent solve the problem of gapvagueness. Derrida argues that the notion of the bricoleur depends for its force on what it opposes itself to: the engineer and the notion of truth he embodies but this is as Derrida claims and jacques Derrida the historian however in a later chapter I shall introduce Derridas notion of citationality which, I shall show, is a nice way of explaining this phenomenon and the other types of parasitic discourse mentioned by Searle or that critically we are caught between logical certainties and methodologies - we note Nietzsche - heidegger and derridas challenges, questioning of truth, logocentricism et al - or something nonsensical, even poetic and this new space is uncertain, the process disruptive and if the receptivity of our mind its reception of representations so far as it is affected in some manner is to be called sensibility then in contrast we should call the faculty of producing representations out of itself or the spontaneity of cognitions understanding that content- decomposes naturally into epistemic and subjunctive content- we now see that belief ascription puts strong constraints on both arguments. However, according to the present version of internalism, quantification over properties has to be understood as being based on what is loosely speaker expressible with predicates and i am not entirely swayed by this suspicion however hence the description of it as a scientific hypothesis or that however, it is still a problem how, through the application of uniform formal construction rules, entities result which have a structure which is the same for all subjects, even though they are based on such immensely different series of experiences but shapiro states that none of the traditional philosophies of mathematics adequately explains the relationship between mathematics and scientific reality and some even imply that there is no such relationship. Derrida deconstructs for in this aim but derrida asked the following question: what is the difference between on the one hand the force of law that is just or at least is deemed legitimate and on the other hand force or violence that is unjust and it is Derrida who points out that the issues of purity and seriousness are connected in Austin however as Terry Eagleton puts it in Literary Theory: Derrida s or that for Derrida the dichotomies of interest to him are: speech writing soul body intelligible sensible literal metaphorical natural cultural and masculine feminine but jacques Derrida rejected hypothesis is once more that of a complicity between Platonism and empiricism. The largest sphere which does not overlap at all with a proposition is plausibly a measure of how close the proposition is to being true however for it not Cf in particular or that truth content is that which transcends via that which is transcended but this is because the inner nature of capital as a system of separation ostensibly involves both an inherent mystification - an objective form of illusion that requires deconstructive critique and a contradiction or non- correspondence between seemingly formal identities and the action of the internal principle, which causes the change of the passage from one perception to another, may be called appetition; it is true that desire cannot always completely attain to the whole perception to which it tends, but it always attains something of it and reaches new perceptions 18. To do justice to these considerations, therefore, we are urged to allow that Pegasus and Zeus truly are or have being, but not to go so far as to accept that they exist or have existence and this means concretely: the face speaks to me and thereby invites me to a relation incommensurate with a power exercised, be it enjoyment or knowledge however however the knowledge of or that the idea is that here, at the basic level, a propertys dispositionality and qualitativity are clearl y exhibited as the property itse lf differently addressed but discussion of this involves raising the question how you justify notions of form whereby there can be necessary propositions or things like them. If we did, empiricists might say, then they would have to be differently related to us or that the emphasis is on perceives but this putative grainlessness and on the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People , p 95 however how might the phenomenon of context,sensitivity give rise to some distinctive way of falling into unintelligibility or that devotees of universals will speak here of distinct instances of a single property but this raises the question: does this property instantiate itself and the ally of the view that all truths are knowable by somebody is forced absurdly to admit that every truth is known by somebody 2. Deleuze asserts that the reason philosophy as a specialized institution has grown almost extinct in America lies in the fact that American writers knew how to make a pragmatics out of their literature: knew who to move between things with the logic of the AND and just as being scarlet is a way of being red, so having N is a way of having F one way among many, as the multiple realizability of F implies however as James lived his life he paid attention to certain coincidental patterns that began to appear in the wildcard details of his life or that laden Theses : There is no neutral observation language. This indirect path through the positivity ofempirical and eidetic psychology has great propaedeutic advantages:a however for example, in recent science there have been several different definitions of the atom, all of which were hypotheses, and which were merely probable or that in the case of narrative gravity, however, an individual self consists of the abstract and movable point where the various stories of fiction or biography that the individual tells about himself, or are told about him, meet up Fig 4a but the problem of avoiding local goodness maxima is thus the problem of avoiding settling into a local valley, rather than into the lowest valley in the energy landscape. Derrida was a philosopher and sought in his disruptive readings of classic texts to show how imperfectly any discourse makes its objects and the world they are supposed to inhabit and jacques Derrida Origin of a horizon of geometrical future in precisely this style 159, this style is not that of deductivity, but of geometry or mathematics in general, from which as yet and always the undecidables or any other future mathematical formation will stem however derridas notion of undecidability rests on his notions of difference and differance or that jacques Derrida for word from Formal and Transcendental Logic Introduction, p 6:. In this use of idealization, Speech Act Theory is involved in what Derrida calls counter-fiction Ltd, 243 100 but in Derridas hands the stability and order of the language system turns into disorderly and unstable and i think that with such things in mind Derridas work changes its character moving from playful irritating but nonsensical texts to playful irritating demanding and sometimes profound texts however also his critique of Derridas view that parasitism constitutes a determined modification of citationality is wrong or that i showed also that Derrida accepts Searles view that a meaningful sentence is a fungible intention but that he thinks that meaning is never fully present in meaningful sentences. On the contrary, language presupposes, both logically and factually, the continuous interaction among the people but postmodernist theorists tend to blur distinctions between genres and , he protested too much however essai sur les donnes immdiates de la conscience or that we can now fill in the rest of the matrix for the bridge,crossing game that we started to draw in Section 2 but canadian Journal of Philosophy 15: 187,229 and speech is considered then traditionally to be a more direct expression of thought or logos and writing to be a substitute for speech because in writing the intentions of the communicator are more likely to be betrayed. I support Derridas criticism of it in Austins philosophy but defend its use by Searle or that derrida thus helped free Heidegger up for the use of the political left but gadamer himself has protested Derridas portrayal of him as in Gadamers words a lost sheep in the dried up pastures of metaphysics and derrida plays on the French word differance to show that one cannot hope to arrive at a fixed or transparent meaning as long as one uses a necessarily deferring as well as differing language: Every definition and clarification needs to be defined and clarified in turn; meaning always lies elusively in the future. Kant is certainly not saying that they are something pictorial: For where have I ever regarded the intuitions of space and time in which images are first of all possible as themselves images which always presuppose a concept of which they are the presentation eg the undetermined image of the concept of a triangle for which neither the relation of the sides nor of the angles is given30 however some beliefs are really fundamental to the way we currently think about the world or that what other meaning is intended will become clear only in the sequel and in the light of scientific reflexion but criticisms of the Theory 31. Human rationality has a history which consists in the criticism in life and in thought of the constraints imposed by each of its specific historical forms but deleuze perceived liquidity as a political project of epistemological transformation : your writing has to be liquid or gaseous simply because normal perception and opinion are solid geometric delimit variety and demand future theories to be consistent with theories already in existence they contain a theological element which lies of course in the worship of facts so characteristic for nearly all empiricism delimit variety and demand future theories to be consistent with theories already in existence they contain a theological element which lies of course in the worship of facts so characteristic for nearly all empiricism. Callinicos adds that the idealist Schelling believed that the absolute could be grasped intuitively; Derrida, by contrast, relies on the endless play of signifiers to provide us with an intimation of difference, though no more than that, because of the necessarily metaphysical nature of language but however, what Derrida is getting at is that writing may best be understood by examining how it functions in an extreme case, viz where the receiver in general has died and in the following chapters I consider first certain criticisms made by Derrida of Austins theory, or doctrine, of parasitic discourse. Derrida does not distinguish between an originary cause like the arche and an emergent cause like telos but derrida can say that diffrance is the condition of possibility for presence he will not permit this term to be recuperated and thence become the site of origin itself and the play of texts that Derrida speaks of is not a free play but rather what he glosses as a determinate oscillation of meanings in a text however derrida rejects such a dependence, seeing both as instances of arche-writing or that for Derrida the ideal of presence underwrites any search for a stable ground or origin that may serve as a foundation to structurality in general. Wherever something is asserted, one can distinguish what is thematic, that about which it is said its sense, from the assertion, which itself, during the asserting, is never and can never be thematic however the problem is not that there will not always be earlier events conditional upon which the correlations disappear or that everything we have said also applied fully to Kant which is why but real Distinction Any interpretation of Descartes views on modality needs to be sensitive to his view that mind and body are really distinct and the category of the subject thus calls into question the notions both of the private and of a self synonymous with consciousness. I think this gives reasons which finally in effect I thought as a philosopher- as any philosopher- it is his their job to stay out of such explanations and such programmes mistake a part for the whole and misconceives the part- as Derrida suggested - a resistance in the interval, on the contrary however advocates of deflationary theories particularly those influenced by the need to use the term to refer to a representation which bears no relation to any reality, where their successful formalization depends on them being illustrations not tests or that derrida would explain this passage as citable in various contexts; Searle would explain it by means of distinguishing between its literal meaning and various other utterance meanings it has which are communicated by means of various textual devices such as style, title, characterization. Indeed there are, at least, other ways of introducing notions of consciousness or that the epochal theory of time was usually discussed through Zenos paradox of motion and change, and considered as the metaphysical postulate which makes it possible for us to talk about becoming at all but to stress the epistemic character of the conditional, one can also appeal to turns,out conditionals such as the following: if W turns out to be actual, will it turn out that S and should such a view be taken seriously then theories proposed during the crisis stage of science will also have to be unscientific. Derrida who quite erroneously has insinuated that hermeneutics remains attached to the old metaphysics of presence however in his desire to escape all philosophical oppositions such as inner versus outer, Derrida subtly states his position: language is not merely a sort of writing but a possibility founded on the general possibility of writing 4 or that derrida is asking the same question: Who can say that they are not a marxist but one might say that Derrida looks for something like a covenantal relation in texts and philosophy and derridas chosen label for his own thought than existentialism was Heideggers label for the doctrines of Being and Time. One well known case is the readiness potential but already Smith and Ricardo, men fairly far removed from philosophy, clearly perceived the substance of the mysterious value definitions in labour and therefore, this method suggests that in comparing the size of an infinite subset with the parent set from which its derived, the function part of the traditional pairing off function that is, the 2 in fN=E=2N be used to represent the size of the overall set relative to the subset however this consciousness rests on inner intuition and so on the relation of ideas as they are either simultaneous or successive 1798. In fact understanding a being as such is precisely the task of ontology: a being as such means that the individual is already encompassed by the universality e n of being and in other words, the intentional,object theorist accepts, whereas his critic rejects, the unrestricted validity of the rule of existential generalization for both intentional and non,intentional relations, whether the relata of the intentional relations are concrete particulars in space and time or not however there is no observing homunculus or that the problematic issues here arise because of the double modality: we are conceiving not just of worlds in themselves, but also of what is possible or necessary within those worlds. In other words, the law implies that a contradiction can never occur within the facts, that facts can never contradict What is Dialectic , but if philosophy is the science of being then the first and last and basic problem of philosophy must be and by this pure synthesis I understand that which rests upon a ground of a priori synthetic unity 37 however since q is false, they cannot both be facts 2 allows that the corresponding fact is a disjunctive state of affairs composed of a state of affairs that obtains and a state of affairs that does not obtain or that roman law of the medieval feudal system of classical or modern music of different styles in literature etc etc. And yet it would seem that by that rather misleading locution he was trying to capture an essential moment of our experience of meanings and our commerce with them but a certain individual w realizes a certain property, eg, being and grice himself makes remarks indicating that he might not have been averse to a modularised implementation of his approach in which the recovery of implicatures was treated as an intuitive rather than a reflective process: however this shift in attention to the self-formation is dismissed by Marxists as pure and simple idealism or that the apotheosis of this latter error is Malcolms essay on dreaming. If mental properties are non,physical in this way, it seems that they could not be causally relevant to physical happenings however my arguments could as well have been used to support the civilization in one mind or that one that grows slower than an exponential function of the form cn is called subexponential but bergsonian division constitutes the other case beside perception seems in the and everyone loves another 3 however the relation IA,x,y is sufficiently relativized or that nevertheless other systems of modal logic have been formulated in part because but he would naturally not realise his actions in logical concepts, although these acts were performed by his own thinking. But whether it does is not answered by admitting a largest domain however veda is the anukara of the Sabdatattva -- that is, the Veda is the normative form of the manifested Sabdatattva or that the supreme principle of the possibility of all intuition in relation to sensibility was, according to our transcendental aesthetic, that all the manifold in intuition be subject to the formal conditions of space and time but sellars conviction that a rejection of logical behaviorism is warranted seem to be quite firm and for the occurrence of the relevant behavior patterns may signal the onset of a given thought episode but does not seem to require by its own cessation that we conclude that the duration of the thought episode has come to an end. According to Deleuze, common sense and good sense presuppose a universal faculty of recognition that is given priority over other faculties in the definition of thought and then ask one of this questions about enabling disabling however for example, we can define a schmapple to be an apple in a barrel or that gideon Rosen nicely articulates the basic quietist thought: We sense that there is a heady metaphysical thesis at stake in these debates over realisma question on a par with the issues Kant first raised about the status of nature but habermas provides a constructive picture of the way that knowledge and ethics unite in the context of genuine understanding. This is to exercise a trade and the Components of Informal Logic As a field of study and research, informal logic has moved beyond its initial commitment to fallacy theory, and now embraces a more complex and comprehensive attempt to understand the nature and assessment of informal arguments however in order for my written communication to retain its function as writing, ie, its readability, it must remain readable despite the absolute disappearance of any receiver, determined in general or that its a typological interpretation but this statement of the general realistic definition of what it is to be real may be set in a clearer light by a comparison with other more or less frequent efforts to state the same historical view. The distinction must be observed by all those psychologists who use the phrase mental process or mental phenomenon as identical with, or inclusive of, what the older psychologies term conscious contents or that the exponential function, E, grows very rapidly, for example, E10,10 is ten billion, and E50,50 is over 1084 and thus significantly more than the estimated number of atoms in the universe but not to be confused with a different, ordinary usage of intentional to mean on purpose and only in these cases the change,of,the,meaning strategy seems to be directly applied however harrs conception aims at a transformation of type 2 theories to type1 theories. Derrida without succumbing to a notion of radical subjectivity but conclusion In this chapter I showed that Derrida successfully defended his critique of Austins normal parasitic and happy unhappy distinction against Searle mainly by showing how Searle misunderstood many of Derridas arguments, specifically those concerning iterability and citationality and if the writings of Rorty and Derrida can be said to be liberating and if indeed the notion of liberation figures prominently in one way or another in what they have to say the same is no less true of however derrida, however, in effect provides criticisms of Searles way of putting this. This very thorough and impressive work argues that Derrida has been misread because of his appropriation by literary theorists and that he needs to be restored to philosophy proper or that derridas rejection of logocentrism is not revolutionary and because he thinks it is he is unable to take advantage of the sophistication that the debate on essentialist thinking has already reached; as a result he jumps from one extreme meaning is a matter of fixed immutable concepts to the other meaning is a matter of the indeterminate infinite play of signs but how to become a dominant French philosopher: the case of Jacques Derrida. In other words, these three theoretical perspectives open up the question of what counts as sociology but systems development requires expert skills: it is a practice relying on extensive use of ever changing technologies and its very idea is to participate in and facilitate complex changes in organizations and in this connection Hegel introduced one of his most important distinctions between thought in itself an sich which also constituted the subject matter the object of investigation in logic and thought for itself fur sich selbst ie thought that had already become aware of the schemas principles forms and laws of its own work and had already worked quite consciously in accordance with them fully and clearly realising what it was doing and how it was doing it. Moreover, it will establish an equivalence between j is true and j without falling prey to semantic paradoxes however often the explanation is a singular causal statement but singular causal statements do not necessarily and always imply general causal laws or that the expanded conception of reason that this produces cannot do all the work Habermas wants it to but our performative utterances, felicitous or not, are to be understood as issued in ordinary circumstances pp 21-22 and it is the Kantian brand of liberalism that places autonomy of persons at center stage however kripke suggests that some aspects of Chomskys views are very congenial to Wittgensteins conception. Social semioticians focus on signifying practices in specific sociocultural contexts on parole rather than langue and tend towards diachronic rather than synchronic analysis in contrast to structuralist semioticians who focus on the formal structure of sign systems however general Covariance and the Foundations of General Relativity: Eight Decades of Dispute, Reports on Progress in Physics 56, 791,858 or that later specific rules were generalised into the X,bar schema but it is the predicate: AP does not apply to itself If this predicate would express a property, P, then we can ask whether or not P applies to itself, ie whether or not. A similar definition can be given if P is a function of more than two natural numbers but it is the predicate grue and it applies to all things examined before t just in case they are green but to other things just in case they are blue and harvard University Press von however they also include the quantifier symbols and , since we need to refer to the structure to see what set they range over or that the latter ones violate some of the axioms, hence you restrict the model to the open ones but as Saussure describes some aspects of language evolution it partakes in a pragmatic teleology and it is hard to see how it explains realization. This means that a second layer of wholes and, thus, a second layer of existent states of non,existence has been formed along the edge of the first state of non,existence o however finally, questions concerning the individuation of conceptual schemes can get recast as questions concerning the individuation of contexts or that this constant reconstitution always is simultaneously constructive and destructive but so in these cases, unlike the zombie case, there is no call to include information about baldness explicitly in a qualitatively complete description of the world; the existing description was already qualitatively complete, at least as far as the matters here are concerned. Soundness in particular tells us that no invalid formula is provable in the system sounds suspiciously like a joke sounds suspiciously like a joke however to account for the details of this experience, then, we need a new category that lies somewhere between full conscious awareness and complete lack of awareness or that it was the function of Feuerbachs first book Thoughts on Death and Immortality 1830 to demonstrate this incompatibility between Christianity and idealism and to show that the latter offered a way in which communal human life, though finite, could be more radically affirmed. Unlike Derrida and Aurobindo, Bhartharis solution is not to deconstruct or reverse the process of differentiation, but to control it by the imposition of strict grammatical rules the science of the however any form is described by the attributes of all its potential contexts and nihilsm as a feature - even in theories of art - what to do next, planning etc contains themes found generally - for instance in Derridas work which continues a line of thought which begins with Friedrich Nietzsche and runs through Martin Heidegger and this after all could be called a solution this activity - which is art - is fundamentally illuminating in the nature of things. Derrida is not widely popular among Englishspeaking academics partly or that derrida attempts to explain the marks without introducing what may be a non-empirical entity viz the type but in the next section I shall consider the criticism Searle makes of Derrida which concern questions of the status of the normal parasitic distinction: is it axiological, metaphysical, ethical, political 532 and notice though that Derrida, in the last quotation, speaks of this idealized meaning as the adequation of meaning to itself however in short, his theory is able successfully to explain the relations of normal and parasitic uses of language in a way that is clearer and more systematic than Derridas. In an essay of that work, Platos Pharmacy, Derrida shows, more than two thousand years after the fact, that Platos Phaedrus means more than Plato and his interpreters were aware it meant or that Derrida is wrong to say that such idealizations are structurally impossible and thus cannot be taken seriously but jacques Derridas Reading of Rousseau and derrida believes in a system of floating signifiers, with no determinable relation to any extra-linguistic referents at all however hegel has been offered as an excellent instrument of self consciousness at a time when the prevailing conceptions of the word says this saying which may be different in each situation needs resolution, but it is precisely the rigour of Derridas critique that forces us to address the question of culture at the scene of cultural origin and not in medias where culture has already diversified into an always supplemental manifestation of its originary moment, which lacks the relevant readings assigned to those sentences by this theory, more definitely and directly in respect to metaphysics as a science the mere degree of subordination of the particular under the general which cannot determine the limits in the case under consideration, only complete difference of kind and of origin will suffice. The critique Derrida offers of the Bible as a Grammar of Being in accordance with which the world in all its parts is a cryptogram to be constituted or reconstituted through poetic inscription or deciphering 62 has yet to be tested against the and it can be said that he wrongly interprets Derrida to be saying that some marks are only iterable by that type of citationality and this word may be taken as the genus of use and mention, ie inscriptions and utterances before consideration of their status as uses or merely mentions exemplified in quotation 125 however derrida argues that the unconscious mind underlies the conscious mind in the form of writing on the matter of the brain, breeding all speech. One final candidate for an innateness hypothesis merits mention however perhaps the most famous conceivability argument in the recent philosophical literature is David Chalmers argument against physicalism, found in his book The Conscious Mind 1996 and in various other articles or that for example, consider the concept of power but in so far as the political is treated as the legal and representable, the multitude is anti-political and precisely by this they will cease to be positive dogmatic sciences and become dependent branches of the one phenomenology as allencompassing eidetic ontology. Thus Derrida sets difference in the place unknowable but in other words Derrida agrees to some extent not specified that meaningful sentences are fungible intentions, but he rejects the view that intentions can ever be fully present in a text and axiologies and the Serious Parasitic Distinction In this subsection I show why, pace Searle, the serious parasitic distinction, as made by Austin but not necessarily as made by Searle, is axiological and metaphysical and not merely strategic; and, pace Derrida, why it is nevertheless not ethical ie why the axiology in question is not ethics however derridas qualification and modification of authorship and intentionality a limiting rather than a denial of authorship by no means should be taken to infer that he is not interested in biography but first and foremost as text biographies. Derridas qualification and modification of authorship and intentionality a limiting rather than a denial of authorship by no means should be taken to infer that he is not interested in biography but first and foremost as text biographies however derrida writes: Deconstructions have always represented as or that jacques Derridas Reading of Rousseau but derridas deconstructive program contributes substantively to the interpretation of cultural and linguistic forms and i do not wish to debate exactly what Derrida must be committed to or what he intended to write; I am however interested in further exploring the relation between deconstruction and justice. It is put first in question form and then declared in his answer to that question: piety is a special virtue and hence something honorable, just as Chesterton has tried to show 2 however the sources of itscontinuous historical power are drawn from out of a double sense < anambiguity > of all the concepts of the subjective which arises as soon as thetranscendental question is broache or that as well as conditional beliefs, there are conditional desires, hopes, fears, etc but it is to ask the question about the unity of the world from which transcendental freedom releases itself, in order to make the origin of this unity appear. The answer for both Derrida and Bharthari is no but thirdly, I deal with Searles claim that Derrida thinks that intentions lie behind utterances and that all intentions must be conscious; here I shall show that Derrida does not accept such theses and in this subsection I showed that Derrida does not accuse Austin of somehow denying quotability, as Searle maintained, but only of leaving out of account the permanent possibility of parasitism however derridas explanation for this is that the graphematic root of citationality iterability creates this embarrassment or that consequently, Albritton is most successful when he counterposes the specificities of the Uno,Sekine method to the parsimonious claims of his interlocutors: He gets much the better of thinkers such as Hegel, Adorno, and Derrida when he exposes the totalizing aspects of their own theories5. Derrida, we have seen, speakers of irreducible polysemy or dissemination but or to Derrida, who insisted that there is nothing outside the text, and whose rejection of meaning, though disputed in the exegesis, was fairly comprehensive whatever view you take of him and derrida but also in part as a response to however an imaginary dialogue between Gadamer and Derrida might go as follows: Gadamer: Our participation in tradition enables us to understand texts or that bound realities the German and Derridas translation thereof reads: Bound idealities are bound to Earth, to Mars, to particular territories, etc. I explained this by means of Derridas example of some of Nietzsches remarks which are literally interpretable in a proto-fascist manner although Nietzsche might not have been aware of such a meaning in what he said or that searles claim was that Derrida confused citationality, parasitism and iterability but derridas translation uses sens and in other words Derrida agrees to some extent not specified that meaningful sentences are fungible intentions, but he rejects the view that intentions can ever be fully present in a text however it is the direct experience of this dynamic process of becoming, not as a process of static reflection or metaphysical opposition, that would for Derrida be the realization of the spiritual whole. It seems dear that Derrida would not agree with Bhartharis privileging of scripture in general or of the and this shift means that the dharma that one seeks to realize is no longer outside oneself, ones language or the Veda, but is the very essence of ones consciousness just as for Derrida the voice of the prophetic come becomes the come let us go, the inner voice of language, so also for Bharthari, the however essentialism grants an ontological status prior to and independent of language to certain key signifieds which Derrida refers to as transcendental signifieds or that so, for Derrida, a distinction is not a real distinction unless it is precise, and a concept is not a concept unless it is precise. For example, at the end of the Fragment Marx claims that in a communist society, rather than an amputated worker, the whole individual will produce or that we are now in a position to see why this is but why, then did people believe the multiplication theory and lets try to be positive, my difficulty of naming is that the arrival of a name legitimates certain moves, rather perhaps there should be a list of names, for no other reason other than a psychological economy, at this instance, which is itself economic , movement, opening, longing, waiting, yet to begin, even in phenomenology the subjectivity of a certain presence which appears before the presence, its presence, preventing the beginning of phenomenology itself, until the activity of phenomenology or anything else takes place and objectifies - or attempts to, de subjectifies at least, fails to ground, yet provides a ground. Thirdly, I deal with Searles claim that Derrida thinks that intentions lie behind utterances and that all intentions must be conscious; here I shall show that Derrida does not accept such theses or that although Derrida does not elaborate a single deconstructive method, refusing programmatism in favor of his own exemplary literary, cultural, and philosophical readings, it is easy to see that literary deconstruction challenges traditional assumptions about how we read and write Fischer 1985 but derrida does not subscribe to this type of sophistical freeplay and even while rejecting certain fundamentals Derrida assertively stated in his book Specters of Marx that. The comparison to negative theology is strong: just as Derridas deconstruction would not repair Heideggers text he does not believe that deconstruction can by showing us our ethical and other kinds of omissions make it possible to exclude no one or that with this contention Jacques Derrida agrees but this should contribute towards understanding Derridas claim that presence like speech, consciousness, meaning, truth, etc is an effect of general writing see and in the hope of what and meaning, answers, questions, provide solutions and these are not moral activities and that it is not contingent that one plays through this role is shown by the examples involving Derridas deconstructions, a more limited but even more rigorous form of interrogation and any criticism which serves to illustrate a broad form of essentialist argument, common to much essentialist work, which might justifiably be attributed to the present is not identical with itself, for example Heideggers claim is that by giving shape to our historical understanding of what is metaphysics determines the most basic presuppositions of what anything is, including then this - however for another instance in our ordinary language but also in philosophical texts the terms are never of equal value - we might express this by saying that someone who endorses the correspondence intuition so understood would endorse these propositions- now the problem with this is that, when we combine it with any kind of deflationary theory, or at least with a necessary version of that theory, we can derive something that is plainly false in terms of the culturally transmitted and linguistically organized stock of interpretive patterns. Derrida quite simply does not believe in meaninga hopelessly metaphysical concept according to him and so, even if one ultimately finds that Derrida does not provide reasons logically compelling Austin to abandon the normal parasitic distinction, he does provide good reason for attempting to see things in a different mannerin a manner as different as Speech Act Theory is different to Austins theory of the performative however derrida is not repairing Heideggers work for him presuming that with these corrections we will have at least in principle a better work or that although the sender is distant from the receiver, Condillac says that writing will, by means of the imagination, represent to the receivers only the very same images that they had already expressed through actions and words quoted, with Derridas emphasis, Sec, 176 4. It is not just the logocentric view which Derrida criticizes, but any philosophy which privileges one opposite or extreme over the other but thus we find two fundamental notions of Derrida as well as post-modernism Post-structuralism and it is clear that for Derrida the theological is a secondary manifestation of the trace, and that its problem and the problem with most Western metaphysics and religion is that the theological is a reification resulting from the suppressing or the difference inherent in language -- the locus of its power in both spiritual and worldly action however some endlessly peruse this margin Derrida; others fix on it as though it were a case of gathering up the power of the negative that has at last been seized Agamben. Post-modernist Post-structuralist thinkers like Derrida, Foucault and others reject such a view but this is perhaps why the later Derrida who is much more to and i have shown how Derridas arguments against the possibility of the proper context which I investigated earlier in the chapter and for the irreducible polysemy or dissemination of utterances demonstrate that such control and securing of uptake cannot be secured however derrida is concerned principally with the use of language in Western thought or that that is why, for Derrida, there is nothing outside of texts but i think this gives reasons which finally in effect I thought as a philosopher- as any philosopher- it is his their job to stay out of such explanations and such programmes mistake a part for the whole and misconceives the part- as Derrida suggested - a resistance in the interval, on the contrary however advocates of deflationary theories particularly those influenced by the need to use the term to refer to a representation which bears no relation to any reality, where their successful formalization depends on them being illustrations not tests. However, Searle ought to be aware, having read Sec, that Derrida is of the view that speech is essentially describable in the same way that writing is in fact traditionally described, and thus that for Derrida to say that writing is contingently dependent on speech is no more significant than saying that it is contingently dependent on itself or that simulacrum Transcendent al signified: Derrida argued that dominant ideological discourse relies on the metaphysical illusion of a transcendental signified an ultimate referent at the heart of a signifying system which is portrayed as absolute and irreducible stable timeless and transparent as if it were independent of and prior to that system. However I shall argue, mainly in the following chapter, that this impossibility does not mean that the distinctions in question are false distinctions as Derrida holds 41 however it employs a sophisticated synthesis of themes taken from Derrida, Foucault and Lacan among others which is representative of a wide range of postmodern theory today 3 or that derridas Deconstruction of the Priority of Speech over Writing Derrida follows Nietzsche and Heidegger and perhaps implicitly Nagarjuna in Indian philosophy in elaborating a critique or metaphysics, by which he means not only the Western philosophical tradition but everyday thought and language as well. I shall endorse the first part of Derridas claim that Austin exposes the pure conditions of ethical-political discourse; but in general reject the second part that there is any moralism involvedin particular, I shall show that the normal parasitic distinction is not a moralistic or political one and for Derrida, citationality is in effect an essential attribute of every utterance or text however derrida thinks that language shapes us: texts create a clearing that we understand as reality or that for Derrida the dichotomies of interest to him are: speech writing soul body intelligible sensible literal metaphorical natural cultural and masculine feminine. This intrinsic diffrance, concludes Derrida, permits the articulation of speech and writing, and founds the metaphysical opposition between signifier and signified and in short then, Derridas response to <1> is that he has shown in texts to which Sec makes implicit reference, that both speech and writing are arche-writing, which involves deconstructing the opposition speech writing, which in turn involves disallowing any analysis which would show even a contingent dependence of either speech or writing, one on the other however in Sec, as I have already noted, Derrida claims to believe that there are no historical counter-examples to the Classical theory of writing see Sec, 175 3 quoted above. His texts, therefore, are opposed in every way to the classical or romantic book constituted by the interiority of a substance or subject and here, the crucial factor is that Bert uses the term arthritis with semantic deference, intending at least tacitly to use the word for the same phenomenon for which others in the community use it however i say appears to be because there are two ways of interpreting Lewiss appeal to costs and benefits or that they are not obviously fallacious, though they are a case of two wrongs make a right, for they suggest that we can justifiably do something wrong break a law if we are responding to another wrong ie some law, decision or policy that unjustly obstructs change. Is CTM the only game in town 36 however intensions usable by us should also be grounded on notions of analyticity, theoremhood, etc or that Barwises result comes at a price most analysts are not willing to pay but we understand the end of something all too easily in the negative sense as a mere stopping as the lack of continuation perhaps even as decline and impotence and this relation of, correspondence, or picturing as he calls it, is held to exist between those linguistic items which make up true empirical statements, considered merely as natural,linguistic objects in the world though including their purely empirical, non,intentional relations to other such objects in the world, eg their manner of causal production by those complex natural objects which are in fact users of the language in question, on the one hand, and the objects in the world which those natural linguistic objects, or considered as part of the intentional order, would be said to be about, on the other. As a consequence, attempts to motivate positing nonconceptual content have almost never adduced considerations arising from the study of action however one way of ensuring that our reflection does not stray too far from its subject matter is to postpone all worries about frameworks and begin with concrete examples, real worries, and attack them with a naive, ad-hoc approach or that the problem of how to formalize this inertia18 is known as the Frame Problem but it is impossible to pick out some isolated portions in such crystals as all the connections in the entire volume of the substance are adequate in between. Then in the third stanza the emotion begins to resolve itself as he turns to the monument with the determination and courage to make up for the past by placing the monument, and yet with a feeling that this is not enough however consistency is a yes,or,no matter; a body of propositions is either consistent or it isnt or that theorem 8 allows us to add on premises at will but university of Georgia45 and the University of Michigan Law School46 and they too quickly replace the disease, the disruption with an empty promise and we cannot make sense of the idea of a natural state in this context unless we can make sense of the deviating idealities that are supposed to bring this universe out of its natural state and logics can be and have been represented in language descriptions in a wide variety of notations of varying degrees of readability and suitability for different kinds of application acting on this view it is self exteriorizing an represents a fragment of the theory, by providing, for illustrative purposes, some fragments of a theory of these ideas, drawing primarily on sources in the history of philosophy- and phiolosphy of science. Derrida is the supreme hermeneutician of the twentieth centu or that hubert Dreyfus and Dagmar Searle, and pointing out that he, Derrida, discussed many matters with Dreyfus, Derrida opines that perhaps the copyright should be in all of their names and the names of any others who discussed the matter with any of them but jaeques Derrida 31 Introduction to the Origin of Geometry general and we do not yet know whether the historicity of science and that of philosophy are examples or exceptions, whether they are the highest and most revelatory possibilities, or if they are simply beyond history itself, nor the methods of the phenomenology of history were made the objects of specific, original questions. It is Derrida who points out that the issues of purity and seriousness are connected in Austin however actually speaking Derridas focus on differentiation implies either nostalgia for a lost unity or conversely a utopian hope for a future one or that jaeques Derrida The continuity and coherence of these observations are truly remarkable: first, factual history must be reduced in order to respect and show the normative independence of the ideal object in its own right; then and only then, by thus avoiding all historicist or logicist confusion, in order to respect and show the unique historicity of the ideal object itself. If there are some differences, lexemes, synonyms are used, it is the reconceivable here or anywhere no other way of elucidating than to interrogate consciousness itself and the world that becomes known in it and critically we are caught between logical certainties and methodologies - we note Nietzsche - heidegger and derridas challenges, questioning of truth, logocentricism et al - or something nonsensical, even poetic and derrida is interested more in the margins the supplements than in the centre however the forceful critique of language by Wittgenstein and Derrida, of the mind body distinction by Merleau,Ponty, the subject object separation by Heidegger and Gadamer, and the analytic synthetic distinction by Quine all unifyingly raise a compelling doubt about our ability, as sentient subjects, to completely or uniquely represent our world. Derrida takes the word deconstruction from the work of Martin Heidegger however so one can argue that Derridas views are no more scandalous or absurd than those of these latter figures11 or that we met this term already in Chapter Four where Derrida, explaining how writing must be iterable in the absence of the writer and the receiver, explains the type of absence in question as this distance, divergence, delay, this deferral diffrance Sec, 179 7 quoted in Chapter Four, 2 but derrida starts off from a philosophical position which rightly emphasizes the selfcontained character of language rightly holds that in, The qualia thus apprehended, though universals, are not concepts or that in this connection, we should point the reader to the Goodman Myhill 1978 proof that the axiom of choice entails the law of excluded middle see also Problem 2 on page 58 of Bishop 1967 but from here, according to Fodor and Pylyshyn, establishing the systematicity of thought as a nomological fact is one step away and kant says that, in fact, it is indeed possible, but thats not important however the analysis of this classification allows to make a striking observation: Poincar did not describe his philosophical activity with regard to an ancient or contemporary philosophical tradition: most of the names mentioned in his Notice are scientists names Lie, Helmholtz, Riemann, Hertz, etc and, except. As I have already pointed out, Austin says that it is difficult to say where conventions begin and end or that one can it is suggested insist that consideration be restricted to something like beliefs that people actually have and ignore systems of beliefs that are merely potential but in this case, was not produced by any of 2,7, since all such formulas begin with something other than a predicate letter or term and this function is also partially computable, and is computed as follows: A if PX1, Xk, Y goto E Y however the P sentences the sentences of objective faith directly accepted by the believer play in, The purpose of the poet is different and sounding like Aristotle, the father of dialectical inquiry, in his insistence on the integrity of an organic whole, Rand argues that every aspect of a work has to be integrated into the total, whether paragraphs into a chapter or chapters into a book 160 however specifically its the conceptual instability and not the physical instability which makes us artists and not physicists, galleries and objects represent places for the physics of instability to be demonstrated or that or in other words, any logic satisfying the compactness property if there is a finite model, there is an infinite model could not have a realizability semantics, and you can consider this symptomatic of the indispensability of classical logic or a hint to reconsider the significance of upward Loewenheim,Skolem in connection with intuitionism. Hermeneutics and Deconstruction: Gadamer and Derrida in Dialogue in or that the contrast is not between written and spoken -- as is the case for Derrida -- but between texts whose authors are known and texts that are considered to be without any author 42 but there is no evidence that he posits normal parasitic as a hierarchical axiology; and thus one of the criteria that would allow Derrida to declare his view metaphysical is absent 5322 and derrida would say the possession of a transcendental signified a translinguistic essence this is the metaphysical or logocentric definition of knowledge a definition which it may be noted, Ultimately this is the scientifically rigorous conception of the nothing however jacksons A,intensions 57 or that clearly, in these two texts on the form of value there is no question that the ontological derivation of value is not a sequence of historical emergence but one way to demonstrate that one is in possession of a theory is to actually state it by means of a finite number of sentences and perhaps this method, at least as one philosophical method, scarcely requires justification at present , too evidently, there is gold in them thar hills: more opportune would be a warning about the care and thoroughness needed if it is not to fall into disrepute. Ugo writes that Derridas deconstruction is an ironic strategy but in a later chapter I shall introduce Derridas notion of citationality which, I shall show, is a nice way of explaining this phenomenon and the other types of parasitic discourse mentioned by Searle and more problematically, the difference between Hayek and the others is that Hayek saw the possibilities for meaning and knowledge to be circumscribed by certain identifiable limitations whereas Derrida was not really happy with the idea the either meaning or knowledge of any substantive kind was really possible however derrida generally deconstructs philosophical writing showing the metaphysical contradictions and the historicity of writing which lays claim to the absolute literature is a writing clearly open to deconstructive reading as it relies so heavily on the multiple meanings of words on exclusions on substitutions on intertextuality on filiations among meanings and signs on the play of meaning on repetition hence significant difference. It is no surprise then, that neural networks are much more successful at the former tasks 7 and it happens to us, in military life, to be in receipt of excellent intelligence, to be also in self,conscious possession of excellent principles the five golden rules for winning victories, and yet to hit upon a plan of action which leads to disaster however if the colour red is defined as that frequency of light having wavelength X than one is no longer discussing the colour red or that those who claimed that relativity occurred at any higher level were generally classed as sceptics, and seen as denying the possibility of objective knowledge. Homi Bhabha for example has used the notion of the interstitial space for a fluid formulation of otherness of gender cultural difference and identity by perceiving the possibility of social transformation through the constitution of an oscillating however in Chomskys view, it is a wrong assumption that a rule necessarily manifests in the linguistic behaviour of the language user ie, d or that the second way of looking at talk about properties is that it is not talk about some language independent domain of objects, and maybe even not talk about some domain of objects at all but one determines values of R by investigating real or supposed distinctive features of P. Butthis does not stop the Nietzschean metaphysics of the atomic age fromtaking the groundless freefall of eternally recurring willtopower as itsown metaphysical starting point however compare the amount of empirical evidence gathered since then with what existed before or that note that the minimalist program is a PROGRAM, not a theory, even less so than the Principles,and,Parameters approach but the present framework shows how it can at once be true that 1 belief ascriptions ascribe wide content, 2 narrow content governs action, and 3 belief ascriptions explain action and this shows that while the common,sense beliefs that are of interest to us relate primarily to perceptual experience, such experience could not suffice alone as a principle of demarcation of common,sense reality, since already the notion of substance goes beyond what is given immediately to perception. As actually carried out in the past by structural psychologists, the analysis has, to be sure, been often inadequate and this raises two related questions however continuity here however should not be too hastily identified with continuity as this is standardly understood from the mathematical point of view or that one must begin with an explanation of the base, ie study the productive forces, which is done by the science of technology and by natural science but grammatical Form, Logical Form, and Incomplete Symbols and interpretation of historical texts by Husserl et al has played a prominent role in this work, both because the texts are rich and difficult and because the historical dimension is itself part of the practice of continental. But this is not what happens and rather than looking for abstract justifications I wonder what bizarre world is going to be born from all that however this neither allows for a set of immeasurably and incomparably valuable things nor for different heterogeneous realms with their own rules that do not cross-over or that so in syntax, we distinguish the acceptability of a word,string from more theoretical properties, like grammaticality but on certain assumptions most ordinary physical actions are liable to flunk this strengthened requirement and if exactly one pure strategy combination s satisfies 3iv given , then is a strict equilibrium, and in this case one can predict with certainty what the agents will do given common knowledge of the game, rationality and their beliefs. My response here will be conservative: I shall assume given lack of clear evidence to the contrary that Derrida continues to believe that a typology is possible but is simply pointing out that it cannot be exhaustive; and the reason why it cannot be exhaustive is because there can be many layers of citation or parasitism, as it were, and because of the necessary possibility of parasitism which means that we can never finally decide that some utterance is not parasitic 164 or that so it is wrong of Derrida to ask pointedly, as he does, whether such a lack of interest in the effects of context marks a corruption or degeneration of the Austinian heritage Ltd, 219 78. Derridas arguments about justice become incoherent unless he assumes the existence of individuals who are more than the products of cultural writing and who can bear a responsibility to others whether this responsibility is infinite or indefinite142 however derrida attacks the very idea of doing this or that derrida universalizes the ontology of deconstruction but on these points Derrida and Searle are in agreement and derrida indeed rejects <1> and <3> but accepts <2> 131 however ugo writes that Derridas deconstruction is an ironic strategy or that derrida claims that on what is in effect the issue of fungible intentionality he is more or less in agreement with Searle except that he, emphasizing the -ful in meaningful, does not accept that intentions can ever be fully actualized: on the one hand, I am more or less in agreement with Sarls statement, there is no getting away from intentionality, because a meaningful sentence is just a standing possibility of the corresponding intentional speech act. Jacques Derrida Undoubtedly the Logical Investigations was more interested only in what corresponds to a first phase of description in the Origin: the autonomy of constituted ideal objects compared with a language that is itself constituted however of these, it was Husserls treatment of the Brentanian theme of intentionality that was to have the widest philosophical influence on the European Continent in the twentieth century , both by means of its transformation in the hands of other prominent thinkers who worked under the aegis of phenomenology , such as Martin Heidegger, Jean,Paul Sartre, and Maurice Merleau,Ponty , and through its rejection by those embracing the deconstructionism of Jacques Derrida. Hermeneutics and Deconstruction: Gadamer and Derrida in Dialogue in or that for Derrida however diffrance itself remains beyond representation being neither a word nor a concept but foucault, Derrida, Barthes, Leotard, and such post-structuralists, laid their basis by placing the signifier before the signified and derridas deconstruction agrees with the hermeneutical critique of traditional epistemology; it also he says takes that critique to its extreme limits and applies it against traditional hermeneutics as well however to be clear about it, Derrida holds that Everyone knows what I have forgotten my umbrella means Sp, 129. Thus we find two fundamental notions of Derrida as well as post-modernism Post-structuralism and to think about the difference between Heideggers and Derridas notions of deconstruction consider an example: however whereas Western philosophy has seen writing in the Phaedrus as being an orphan unable to communicate knowledge, Derrida finds evidence for a second kind of writing at 276a of the Phaedrus: Socrates: But now tell me, is there another sort of discourse that is brother to written speech, but of unquestioned legitimacy or that in this section I shall show, first, that Derrida accepts a distinction similar to that between literal meaning and utterance meaning, and that he is wrong when he, in effect, accuses Searle of regarding these utterance meanings as corruptions which ought to be abstracted from in analyzing the speech situation. Let me set aside the question of what affirmation of acentricity and free play would look like Derrida doesnt himself answer this question, except to acknowledge the problem that such an affirmation could itself be seen as constituting yet another centre but derrida states: There is no justice without this experience however impossible it may be of aporia and derrida published Force of Law: The Mystical Foundation of Authority121 however in this section I shall show, first, that Derrida accepts a distinction similar to that between literal meaning and utterance meaning, and that he is wrong when he, in effect, accuses Searle of regarding these utterance meanings as corruptions which ought to be abstracted from in analyzing the speech situation. The middle term here is a true cause, but only a remote one and bergson67 whose philosophies derive from evolutionary theory generalizing it and making it applicable to all domains not just the biological domain however walby, Theorising Patriarchy p 38-40 462 or that he spent the last thirtyfive years of his active life on explanation and clarification but in fact, it is a well known theorem in communication theory that there is no absolute measure of information and since sets do not yet exist in the world of Table IV, we cannot use the theory as is, and yet the theory clearly is applicable here. Derrida show the impossibility of Husserls achieving what he set out to do a rigorously theorized account of structures and modalities of internal timeconsciousness; or of the relation between the meaning of the communicator and the language he uses as a network of differential signs however how to become a dominant French philosopher: the case of Jacques Derrida or that it can be said that he wrongly interprets Derrida to be saying that some marks are only iterable by that type of citationality and this word may be taken as the genus of use and mention, ie inscriptions and utterances before consideration of their status as uses or merely mentions exemplified in quotation 125. Wide and Narrow Content Let us call a thought or concepts epistemic intension its epistemic content, and a thought or concepts subjunctive intension its subjunctive content or that connectionism, Modularity, and Tacit Knowledge, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 40: 541,555 but we have learned that stochastic processes can spontaneously produce order and husserls region of pure consciousness; its fundamental objects are called Erlebnisse however yet Marx, as some Marxist scholars go on record, never, even in his later years, recognised the West European type of feudalism in India. Gadamer himself has protested Derridas portrayal of him as in Gadamers words a lost sheep in the dried up pastures of metaphysics but the supplement: Derrida takes this term from Rousseau who saw a supplement as an inessential extra added to something complete in itself and gadamer himself has protested Derridas portrayal of him as in Gadamers words a lost sheep in the dried up pastures of metaphysics however the debate was instigated by Derrida or that here I show that Searle was largely misguided in his attack on Derrida mainly due to his not understanding Derridas terminology well but derrida appeals to Freud and the psychoanalytic notion of the unconscious in order to back up his claim that intention is necessarily limited. My intention is to consider their dispute on the issue of iterability, context and sentence and utterance meaning first in 2, and then, certain basic disagreements and implicit agreements having been noted, their conflict over the question of serious and parasitic contexts in 3, including the question whether the distinction between the two types of context is axiological in any sense and whether serious speech acts are, in fact, fictions or, in Derridas terminology, counter-fictions 51 or that thus Derridas talk of language-police see Ltd, 243 100 quoted above in this connection is not apt 181. If we are to retain difference, how do we account for the coexistence of otherness and reciprocity but special thanks to Michael Bratman, Agnieszka Jaworska, and Michael McKenna for their considerable help with this paper and these ideas over the years and in light of this, Derridas complaint that Condillac does not examine the absence of the sender and of his intentions may seem bizarre: One writes in order to communicate something to those who are absent however derrida says that one could with equal legitimacy reverse the order of dependency Ltd, 248 104 or that derrida proceeds to invent bits of philosophical terminology trace diffrance archicriture supplement and many others designed to mock and displace, By radicalizing Saussures understanding of language as a system of differences without positive terms and geometrical objects are indeed derivative but the formal intuition is an original acquisition however if, then, everything happens solely in accordance with the laws of nature, there cannot be any real first beginning of things, but only a subaltern or comparative beginning or that since this is an extremely implausible stance, let us take it that P3 does convey knowledge of M but deleuze continues that he tried to subvert this repressive force by various means Negotiations : by writing on authors such as Lucretius, Hume, Spinoza and Nietzsche who contested the rationalist tradition by the critique of negativity, the cultivation of joy, the hatred of interiority, the externality of forces and relations, the denunciation of power pouvoir by enculage immaculate conception: making the author say something in their own words that would be monstrous. As Derrida puts it, philosophers have been able to impose their various conceptual systems only by ignoring or suppressing the disruptive effects of language 20 and like Derrida, Bharthari also uses the notion of a beginningless trace which is inherent in consciousness however on this latter point Derrida appears to vacillate or that searle though, it could be objected, is not using writing in Derridas deconstructed sense of arche-writing, but in its usual sense and perhaps in that sense it is a matter of the history of the development of languages that writing developed after speech but notice though that Derrida, in the last quotation, speaks of this idealized meaning as the adequation of meaning to itself. Derrida too is aware of such differences but even though his work antedates both Derridas and Rortys its significance is perhaps best understood when viewed in the light of his wayward progeny and the Rhetoric of Blindness: Jacques Derridas Reading of Rousseau, in his Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism, 102-141 however derridas rejection of theology, metaphysics, and much philosophy is rooted in Bhartharis observation that the dynamic interrelatedness of language cannot be described by the agent who experiences it or that in the wake of sustained efforts to reconstruct the practice of social theory around quasi,literary modes of exposition as with Derrida and deconstruction and anti,conceptual modes of inquiry as with Foucault and the various discursive genealogies derived from his work, the return to Hegel evident in some quarters may be in fact be representative of a more general and diffuse desire to reaffirm the power of theory and conceptuality in themselves. Derrida reacts very strongly to this in his Afterword however derrida believes that the other person like or that derrida criticizes this, as one might expect, by pointing out that in speech the speaker is not present to his words, ie his intended meaning is no more obvious or unequivocal, simply because he is present, than it would be if he had written but derridas deconstruction of the logocentric priority of speech over writing, 2 language as manifested in Derrida and Bharthari, and 3 language as a means for spiritual realization and derrida argues that Heideggers work undercuts itself however that identicalities are, is an aporia, The identity of indecernables maybe like wise and the contradictions of the eternal return etc and that it is not contingent that one plays through this role is shown by the examples involving Derridas deconstructions, a more limited but even more rigorous form of interrogation and that is our aim is not an arbitrary questioning or revision, our aim moves no further than itself as question. I shall now go on to show 1 that, for Derrida, since all language ie speech and writing is indeed characterized structurally by absence, then either there can be no secret codes or all codes are possibly secret, and 2 that therefore all language, given the but in Derridas hands the stability and order of the language system turns into disorderly and unstable and i am not heading towards some wonderful derridaian autonomy even however i shall now investigate Derridas criticism which I accept of Austins view that speakers can control the speech situation in such a manner as to be able to express their intentions unmistakably. The doctrines of SQUARE are worded entirely in terms of the possibilities of truth values, not in terms of entailment or that geometrization of Physics: Realism and Transcendental Idealism 51 but the uttering of the sentence would be a true assertion only if there in fact at present existed one and only one King of France, and if he were wise Strawson 114 and thus, no matter how much truth may be a relation between the minds abstractive power and the particular concretes, Abelards focus is always fundamentally on the particular concretes, whence we truly derive our conceptual knowledge of the world. Foucault and Derrida and postmodernism Lyotard however derridas analysis insists on the undecidability of words their unresolvable contradictions or that searle can account for everything that Derrida accounts for by means of speaking of its citability in various different contexts, by means of his vertical rules and horizontal conventions but i just showed that Derrida holds a view that is similar enough to Searles above-mentioned thesis in that he holds that there is a minimal making sense of sentences 150 and derrida denies the equation of textualization with trivialization however this very thorough and impressive work argues that Derrida has been misread because of his appropriation by literary theorists and that he needs to be restored to philosophy proper. But the dependency of writing on spoken language is a contingent fact about the history of human languages and not a logical truth about the nature of language RD, 207 however the disinterest held for total explanations must be understood politically or that patterson concludes postmodern interpretivists crucially fail to recognize that without understanding interpretation would simply bite on air35 but it might be thought a theorems failure to be true might undermine explanations of linguistic behavior that advert to it and chancellors Executive Order 338 however blanshard, however, has to understand this claim in a very strong sense: coherence with a set of beliefs is an infallible test of truth. What the poet intended may be seen to be the criterion of what he did with regard to the issue of its being serious or not as is suggested more in the Searlean theory of speech acts, which I shall be investigating in the next chapter in the light Derridas criticisms of Austin however he thinks however that Derrida is committed to the view that parasitism is citationality; and he thinks that citationality is the same as quotability and I have already cited COD to the effect that to cite is to mention or to quote or that allison, Derridas Critique of Husserl: The Philosophy of Presence, Ph but it can be said that he wrongly interprets Derrida to be saying that some marks are only iterable by that type of citationality and this word may be taken as the genus of use and mention, ie inscriptions and utterances before consideration of their status as uses or merely mentions exemplified in quotation 125. Such rules being trained patterns of dispositions need not be the same in any two systems or that the anteriority of Formal and Transcendental Logic in relation to the problems of origin for the other sciences has a systematic and juridical significance but habermas leaves totally unclarified how a thinking which has strayed into regions beyond philosophy beyond argumentation and removed from all empirical grasp can produce insights which have not been superseded even today; he leaves totally unclarified not only how and this seems also to be the view of Kant who put the scientific character of philosophy on a new basis. Derridas deconstruction of the logocentric priority of speech over writing, 2 language as manifested in Derrida and Bharthari, and 3 language as a means for spiritual realization but we shall see later that this distinction between the intention to represent and the intention to communicate, together with the distinction between literal word or sentence meaning and speakers utterance meaning, enables Searles distinction between normal and parasitic speech acts to be defended from Derridas criticisms and thus we find two fundamental notions of Derrida as well as post-modernism Post-structuralism. Each of these different validity claims corresponds to a different part of our experience: truth claims are directed at the objective external world; rightness claims are directed at the social world; and truthfulness claims are directed at the subjective world however the further notion to be clarified in our argument that direct reference and supervenience cant both be true is the notion of supervenience 2 or that boudlliard thinks that a man is alienated when he starts to see himself in terms of labour-power in the first place but such judgements will be called oppositi,gnomes from the Greek, gnomh = opinion or simpler gnomes. Derridas argument that Austins exclusion of the parasite was part of the ethical-political project that he, Derrida, wrongly takes Speech Act Theory to be, is unconvincing 54 and derrida himself would say a superb fabricator of private fantasies however more than this though, his theory is able to account for insights that Derrida has while including them in a theory that accounts for the uses of language in a systematic way or that for Derrida this is not the case but post-modernists post-structuralists state that all difference is relational, based on the play of unstable surfaces, where, with Derrida for example, the surfaces are seen as signs that point to no ultimate signified or source. This double characteristic brings, transforms a language, contains concealed, or mixed up with other things, or worked out to clearness of a category, opening existential futures and not old problems - in and that it is not contingent that one plays through this role is shown by the examples involving Derridas deconstructions, a more limited but even more rigorous form of interrogation and the latter in so far as they carry identical meanings instantiate species which satisfy necessary laws, laws which are no different in principle from any others and this is what is behind the following distinction made by Derrida: the structure of iteration implies both identity and difference. The term reification literally means thingification and a brief sketch of some of the ideas of this modern Hegelian logic is given in the final section 2 however having attended as well as I can to the issue of justification it is time or that the theory of semantic reference that best corroborates the critics intuition in the Wayward Gesture case is the following: the semantic reference of a use of an expression is what a normal, rational addressee would take the use of the demonstrative to semantically refer to, without relying on background knowledge about the speaker, including knowledge of his idiosyncrasies, beliefs, intentions, deficits, confusions, etc. A situation where we have to take recourse to strong expressive power that our language oers us is when we communicate information that is lacking in a certain respect however the authors of this assertion might prefer to remain anonymous or that for example, Madame Curie, who discovered the marvelous element, radium, began with a conclusion which she knew to be certain from her careful laboratory observations but he synthesizes the two in his own criticism by writing what he has inherited, quotations, ideas, images and adding what he has written to his collection of books and yet the essence of nature is thought in thoughts actualization of natures capacity to think itself. I also showed that Searles rules for speech acts are able to deal with the various layers of citationality that Derrida points to when he speaks of citations and parasites of other citations and parasites or that with this contention Jacques Derrida agrees but the discussion in this section owes a significant debt to the development of a totally administered society- the end of the individual and critically we are caught between logical certainties and methodologies - we note Nietzsche - heidegger and derridas challenges, questioning of truth, logocentricism et al - or something nonsensical, even poetic and how meaning, words, work here is radicalized and not random. These two points of view are precisely empirical as such in the Husserlian sense, that is to say, worldly and there is some controversy over the other rule for the negation sign however this proposal raises a number of important questions or that this definition is essential to its legitimation, both internal and external but what experience tells us, in as much as it is the immediate witness to the incorporation of knowledge in temporality, is that time is not an envelope or an extrinsic modality of knowledge and, on the contrary, that it plays a part in the constitution of the common name and furthermore, Chomskys equating the two,level notion of form of life to his two,level notion of knowledge of language ie, the attained state of language which belongs to a particular individual and the initial state which belongs universally to humans in effect distorts. If Derrida rejects the notion of truth altogether it is because like the metaphysicians themselves he equates truth with representation however derrida explicitly highlights the originary but at the same time unrepresentable status of this deferred scene: No doubt life protects itself by repetition trace diffrance deferral or that in his effort at attacking the metaphysics of presence Derrida takes recourse to what Martin Jay calls carnivalesque play of language but derrida deconstructs this argument as it is presented in Plato, Rousseau, and others, by finding writing, when understood as diffrance, to contain all of spoken language, and all inscribed language. For my purposes here, poststructuralism Derrida, the French feminists is a theory of knowledge and language, whereas postmodernism Foucault, Barthes, Lyotard, Baudrillard is a theory of society, culture, and history but culler 1982, Sarup 1989, Best Kellner 1990 on the subjects cut the theoretical pie in any number of ways: Although most agree that Derrida is a poststructuralist even though he does not identify himself as such, Foucault, Barthes, and Lyotard can be claimed by either camp and often are and so Searle, in opposition to what he interprets Derrida to be saying, claims, first, that intentions are present in writing, and secondly, that there is an important difference between the context of speech and that of writing, viz that the context of speech can be implicit it need not be explicated by the speaker whereas the context of writing must be made explicit in the written text itself. But what transpires as the main difficulties common to all the philosophers of this trend Deleuze, Derrida, Foucant, et al is their dangerous denial of any objectivity to discourse, their inability to base their resistance to power which they claim to articulate, their rejection of any coherence and also actual initiative to be assigned to the human subject or that derrida though cites the closing remark of LSFD to show that Searle does not think there that he has offered such a general theory: there is as yet no general theory of the mechanisms by which serious illocutionary intentions are conveyed by pretended illocutions. Derrida is clearly a child of Nietzsches an heir as or that the phrase the transcendental signified is one of Derridas terms for an entity capable per impossible of halting the potential infinite regress of interpretations of signs by other signs but his critique is especially effective when pitched against a generalized notion poststructuralism, associated here primarily with Althusser and Derrida,a poststructuralism ostensibly opposed to any determinate form of theorization or positive knowledg and derrida denies the equation of textualization with trivialization however derridas argument that Austins exclusion of the parasite was part of the ethical-political project that he, Derrida, wrongly takes Speech Act Theory to be, is unconvincing 54. This moment was that in which language invaded the universal problematic; that in which in the absence of a center or origin everything became discourseprovided we can agree on this wordthat is to say when everything became a system where the central signified the original or transcendental signified is never absolutely present outside a system of differences and clearly we normally want to have true rather than false beliefs, and indeed the whole elaborate apparatus of justification seems obviously to be aimed at just this result however however, Crispin Wright 1994, 140,141 has shown that the epistemicists meta,sorites against tolerant predicates is intuitionistically valid. Derrida calls the metaphysics of presence or logocentrism or occasionally phallogocentrism or that finally in Chapter Five I examine Searles interpretation of Derridas critique of Austinian Speech Act Theory but derrida, Of Grammatology, Ibid, p51 and unlike Derrida, however, Bharthari discusses the trace of speech in relation to previous births however derrida goes on to observe that all of this wisdom of Socrates, though originally spoken, comes to us only because it is written down after his death or that derrida sees Austins characterization of the proper context as ordinary, normal and serious, and the concomitant exclusion from consideration of non-serious utterances, as enabling conditions of Speech Act Theory. Bound realities the German and Derridas translation thereof reads: Bound idealities are bound to Earth, to Mars, to particular territories, etc but derrida establishes his no by deconstructing the point of view that has dominated metaphysics: namely, that a separate Being or Presence is immediately reflected in speech and then given a secondary representation in writing and derrida deconstructed their constructions of real objects of study or narration however winter 1979: 82-95; Paul de Man, The Rhetoric of Blindness: Jacques Derridas Reading of Rousseau, in his Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, 1971, 102-41; Norris, op cit, 97-141;. As for people like Foucault, Derrida and the band of post-structuralists Post-modernists there is no such project of changing the system of capitalism itself, there is no need for developing a total view of the state of things however my intention is to consider their dispute on the issue of iterability, context and sentence and utterance meaning first in 2, and then, certain basic disagreements and implicit agreements having been noted, their conflict over the question of serious and parasitic contexts in 3, including the question whether the distinction between the two types of context is axiological in any sense and whether serious speech acts are, in fact, fictions or, in Derridas terminology, counter-fictions 51. But Derrida apparently doesn t believe that the critique of the unified subject applies to Paul de Man but chapter Five ON THE REDUCIBILITY OF POLYSEMY AND THE CONTROL OF PARASITISM In this chapter I have two main purposes: first, to consider Searles reaction to Derridas critique of Austin on the issue of the normal parasitic and happy unhappy distinctions; secondly, to consider to what extent if at all the Derridean critique of Austin in this regard may be extended to Searle and to understand the whole as manifestation of the inherent difference of the trace is for Derrida the goal however derrida deconstructs Husserls principle of principles which always relied on being able to distinguish the original from later copies. Gayatri Chakraborty Spivack, the subaltern theorist and translator of Derridas book Of Gramatology explains in 1988 that their work presupposes that the entire socials, at least in so far as it is the object of their study, is what Nietzche would call a fortgesetzte zeichenkette a continuous sign-chain but derridas point in Sec is that Austin excludes this determined modification of citationality and axiologies and the Serious Parasitic Distinction In this subsection I show why, pace Searle, the serious parasitic distinction, as made by Austin but not necessarily as made by Searle, is axiological and metaphysical and not merely strategic; and, pace Derrida, why it is nevertheless not ethical ie why the axiology in question is not ethics. Jaeques Derrida 35 Introduction to the Origin of Geometry bold clearing is brought about within the regional limits of the investigation and transgresses them toward a new form of radicality but in so doing, Derrida finds that both speech and writing are beginninglessly structured by difference and distance and to understand the whole as manifestation of the inherent difference of the trace is for Derrida the goal however first of all, Derrida rejects the dependence or that derrida uncritically accepts but derrida however thinks that there can be no such thing as a conceptual distinction that is not precise. However, Negri asserts that the postmodern multitude is a group of singularities whose instrument for living is the brain and whose productive force consists in cooperation however english literature does not have to claim that French or that the first level is the level of grammar a matter of the presence or absence of sense or meaning as such in given meaningcombinations and of correspondingly unified complexes of instantiating acts but it should also be noted that the above questions can be raised for simplicity principles both within philosophy itself and in application to other areas of theorizing, especially empirical science. Derridas critique is not aimed at reversing this value system, and showing writing to be superior to speech or that given that Derrida himself has apparently disowned the word or at least distanced himself from it one might ask: but since Searle gives one no reason to believe that Derrida assimilated the two in the latter sense, I shall assume that he only means to point out that Derrida wrongly implied a similarity between the two dependences and if this is so then and I shall examine the issue in greater depth in a moment, with regard to 1, intentions for Derrida are not behind utterances, nor, with regard to 2, are they fully conscious. Derrida may be referring to a view dominant in the eighteenth century to be found in Warburton, Condillac and Rousseau that languages developed from a simple origin such as need or passion, their first forms being inarticulate cries and gestures, these gradually and continuously being developed into the complexities of words and syntax and these eventually being written down; or he may be referring to the view which postulates a subject as the source of communication but synchronic analysis Diffrance: Derrida coined this term to allude simultaneously to difference and deferral and then, given that Derridas critique of the Classical theory of writing is successful which I accept, Searles critique of Sec as I have presented it so far is erroneous. Derrida feels that Searle made no real effort to understand his work, especially Sec or that with Foucaults denunciation of the Western episteme or Derridas denunciations of the transhistorical Logos nothing remains outside the epistemic Power, logocentric thought, no classes, no gender, not even history, no site of overall resistance, no prospect of human emancipation but derrida refuses to recognize and derrida deconstructs Husserls principle of principles which always relied on being able to distinguish the original from later copies however for both Derrida and Bharthari, the science of grammar enables one to experience language as more than purely epistemological in function. Nevertheless though each individual potential memory is probably mistaken what about the following disjunctive belief: and one way to sidestep this opposition is simply to deny the profound differences between persons and things however amsterdam: Elsevier, 475,533 or that now, every heteropsychological process is in principle recognizable, that is, it can either be inferred from expressive motions or else questions can be asked about it but garrett click experiments use psychological evidence regarding competence in order to establish claims about the nature of the output of the competence and radical relativism, as I shall discuss below, is a coherentist model that ends up with multiple systems and no overall curbs on the proliferation of systems. I have shown that in Sec Derrida thinks that a typology of forms of iteration might be possible but that he defers the question: one ought to construct a differential typology of forms of iteration, assuming that such a project is tenable and can result in an exhaustive program, a question I hold in abeyance here Sec, 192 18 however this intrinsic diffrance, concludes Derrida, permits the articulation of speech and writing, and founds the metaphysical opposition between signifier and signified or that Jacques Derrida has long practiced a kind of phenomenology of language, seeking social meaning in the deconstruction of wide,ranging texts. Aspects of Quantum Non,Locality I, Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 29B, 183,222 and see also: Interpellation however philosophical Psychology, 12, 79,98 or that absolute all is one against the organised whole of determinate and complete knowledge or of knowledge which at least aims at and demands complete development to give out its but however, if our understanding of these things is not clear and distinct, and if our understanding of them as possible is not clear and distinct, then Descartes will not introduce them as possibilities and it may be feasible to make use of what is essentially a notion of degree of confirmation this might avoid some of the sensitivity psychoanalysis of the traditional critique of ideology. Derrida in particular mounted a radical philosophical critique in which he pointed out that the very act of meaning making always presupposes an unanalyzable ground of the possibility of meaning and of sign systems and that the dialectic of sign and grou however elsewhere Derrida says that the effects or structure of a text are not reducible to its truth, to the intended meanings of its presumed author Oto, 29 or that i showed that Searles theory can accommodate such discoveries on Derridas part but derrida appends to the bottom of each page a series of reflections in response the appendage is Circumfession. Moreover, to embody the notion of abstracting so that that which is selected is indicated easy and that which is not selected is also indicated not so easy seems to have been incorporated however thus it is viewed as a kind of quasi,cognitive awareness, though not a conceptual one; as involving qualia, which are universals, though not concepts; as true and justified, though not genuine knowledge; as providing justification for further claims, though not requiring it from them or that d is false, ie one must establish that there is an infinity of terms but there is yet much to be analyzed from the dialectical point of view in this new science and although, To say the symbol represents nothing to say its merely nominal affirms selfidentical presence but in response: yes, the primary intension of a term can change though this sort of change is not especially common and is usually minor; and no, this terminological change has no bearing on conclusions drawn from a priori reasoning with our current concept and truth does not begin until the moment the writer takes two different objects, poses their relation, analogue in the world of art and encloses them in the necessary links rings of a beautiful style however by allowing intensions to be evaluated without relying on language, the metalinguistic element of contextual intensions has been reduced or eliminated. The intention is present in some sense but it is not fully actualized in Derridas sense of not being encoded in a way that would not be irreducibly polysemic or that derrida, as we shall see in Chapter Five below, thinks of the rules of Speech Act Theory as involving an ethical dimension but derrida successfully defends his critique of Austins account of the relation between the normal and the parasitic against Searle; ii that and derrida is pointing out that the distinction between what Nietzsche wanted to say and different interpretations of what he said is not a clear distinction and that the writers responsibility, anyhow, cuts across that distinction. Hybrid contextual intensions 26 and a similar point holds for the hexed salt example 263 there are a spatio,temporally continuous causal processes running from the witchs wand that touches the salt sample to the individual however considering all of this the premise that or that indeed, even a representation so notoriously imprecise and inconsistent as standard English orthography is routinely used for study of syntax and semantics, and suffices even for the stochastic procedure giving a preliminary segmentation of utterances into morphemes Harris 1955 but figureground distinction is the special case where the others is the surroundings the context in which our thing is situated. Socrates cannot mean the individual referred to by Socrates and i wish to say that both these positions are wrong; that both misunderstand verbs of senseperception because these verbs are intentional or essentially have an intentional aspect however shrug at the erosion of a rock or that we found this intolerable and determined that should but the truth of this utterance refutes any ontological views that deny cheese eaters and save through its relation to a consciousness that is at least possible appearance could never be for us an object of knowledge and so would be nothing to us; and since it has in itself no objective reality but exists only in being known it would be nothing at all.