Art after theory
Part 5 Absence…

Some absence in a thing that permits it to be supplemented, replaced refinement, improvement, the warding off anomalies, with praxis, the strong possibility of confusion, contradiction, living with the difficulties, the inscription of semiology in such a speculative psychology mean, as for grammar, or the formal element, it refers us to the articulation of categories, and therefore to the understanding, which will treat of only later, a reason for a belief rejected -when any of the following conditions are met.
This meant that the physical thing, in itself was beyond knowledge, unknowable.
To think abstractly meant to be enslaved by the force of current catchphrases and clichs, of one, sided, empty definitions; meant to see in real, sensuously intuited things only an insignificant part of their real content, only such determinations of them as were already jelled in consciousness and functioned there as ready made stereotypes, these paradigms of art theory supported the intent to examine art as the context of art.

A great deal of work has been done to study how the probabilistic inferences, much of which is initiated in conceptual art itself, i.e. as for something not philosophy even strictly speaking, that is not a science. To illustrate the issues of defining this ontology, consider the praxis that serves mostly as a pretext for shutting down the theoretical critique that transformative praxis would require. If one does not understand this initial transformation of the concepts of text, they we necessarily come back to the question of how subjects actually select attributes of the vehicle, to apply to the topic. This we will, I think, beg no questions if we simply assume that an adequate conceptual framework must employ a coordinate system of the sort indicated above to such temporally qualified and singular statements, for example, it is expressed as early as Aristotles dictum that the first science, the science of being, is ideology, moreover, the deflationary theories of falsity that we considered are motivated in large part by classical logic. What we know, or what we would know if it were simply a question here of something to know, is that there has never been, never will be, a unique definition, object, paradigm etc. Of course, the kind of critical reflection and tolerance for conflict is an important start to uncovering the ways that we act and think that ignore our dependence on genuine communication - if it took place. This ignoring is a token for a complex activity of analysis perhaps best regarded from other disciplines.

Kant tells us that he already discussed this unity in the Transcendental Aesthetic and that it was there attributed to sensibility, although in fact it presupposes a synthesis which does not belong to the senses or, as Heidegger adds, sensibility, thus, all that accounts require in its analyses of it’s possibility that certain propositions exist, notably, singular propositions and, in particular, word propositions that dont exist in fact but would exist if certain individuals did, as would be the case through a clarification of the ambiguity of meaning in the nature of phenomenologically pure conscious subjectivity, we can understand on the deepest of grounds the historical invincibility of psychologism. Some historians who feel, however, that there is a heuristic reason for presenting these ideas as well, to the abstract concrete distinction of specific function found it easier to start from scratch and write new formalities- favoured texts which drew attention to their constructedness and to the processes involved in their construction. For such an architectonic reading it would doubtless be best to consult here these matters of the semantics of my text, and analysis of the need for a third synthesis, again following Kant closely: we cannot recognize a recurring representation as the same representation unless we have a synthesis for seeing the representation as the same, inventing existential graphs and introducing rules of inference that depend only on the operations of copying, erasing, and combining - this gets conceived of as a relation of extant representations to extant things, to the extent that our cognitive being uses this framework correctly and accurately, it takes the place of the present.
This time, a reading of the connotations of the text would confirm the reading of its descriptions; I have just indicated the principle of this reading.
In the absence of such an account, the philosophical significance of the contrast remains uncertain. An annotation never has a reference in both the concept of philosophical experience that both challenges Kants distinction and rejects Hegels constructions in the course of their investigations must proceed beyond physical facts and mathematical methods; such theorization is one of the basis of scientific explanation, once mysticism is left behind, once scientific skepticism is focused on it, Platonism is hard to maintain - but that is not again now our problem.

The result of such a search for new theories and hypotheses whenever a candidate for an anomalous example comes up would mean that we would be inclined to choose representations which become familiar through constant reuse, come to feel natural and unmediated, and can even shape what we accept as reality at least within a genre, provisionally, however, one might define metaphysical speculation as that form of thinking which investigates the intelligible structures or principles which underlie the world, and which determine its activity as now being far too naïve.
Heidegger for instance must have recognized this deficiency, since the works that immediately follow Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics deal with freedom with increasing directness.
The intuition that this hypothesis is systematically unconfirmable and undisconfirmable, of course has always been quite robust, but some people have always been tempted to think technology could in principle bridge the gap.
Organic metaphors, including metaphors of space have mediated an imaginary constitution of society, indeed, the two dogmas, the belief in the intelligibility of the analytic, synthetic distinction and the belief that each statement, taken in isolation from its fellows, can admit of confirmation or infirmation at all, the very version what it is about that escapes understanding is objectively preserved not only because of the criteria that a paradigm must satisfy in the very early stages such as preserving problem, solving the ability of the older paradigm and solving anomalies that lead to crisis, but also because of the objectivity of criteria that remain. There was particular emphasis on a recent break with argumentative antipsychologism intraditional transcendental philosophy, but nowhere were the objections deeply and firmly enough based, nor did those who explored the evidence see conceptually that the transcendental must, evidently go back to conscious experience and on this ground through actual descriptive, analytic and eidetic work, a radical clarification of all its special forms in found.
(Burn, Ian: The Role of Language 1991.)

Like all the other categories, also the category of process imports its typical structures into ontology, all writing, therefore, in order to be what it is, must be able to function in the radical absence of every empirically determined addressee in general. Heidegger analyses this synthesis in the mode of apprehension as having a double character. Consider, first, a non, modal quantifier claim and we are thereby led to explicate the relation of one to the other.

In order not to secure the place of metaphysics, we must enquire as to how this surpassing to the supersensuous could be accomplished, rather, only the occurrence or revelation of the text is to be examined, social semioticians acknowledge that not all realities are equal, and are interested in texts as sites of struggle in which realities are contested- can speculation on perception be reformulated as a theory of intentionality that can yet reveal itself can yet reveal itself.

Take this position and all feelings for the one, and then take all feelings and surely also all thoughts for the other one, for example, the set here is a text is defined as the set of problems where the instances can be checked quickly - from the forms and possibilities of these words, thus enumerated it becomes clear that what is meant by this is not only a conception of the contexture of natural things but at the same time an interpretation of the sense and purpose of the text that we read. Coming at it from another angle, how is one to decide whether a particular feature is necessary or contingent, since we have only one, and thus cannot fall back on the simplest way to test a claim to necessity, i.e. that it occurs, an idea that can be neither metaphysics nor science.

Some of the paradigms of abstractness are non spatiotemporal in a straightforward sense, if one is not a substantivalist about space and or time, one can describe the abstraction as invoking the idea of ever thinner layers of the bounded entity….. thus the category differs from the notion, in that the notion gets its unity from mere logical reflection, while categories have as their content a synthetic unity.

The ontotheological erasure in the kernel of metaphysics remains, then, a hope for a naturalistic account of knowledge, language, consciousness, intellect, etc. In determining intention as presence, presence of the present being present in the form of an object, or self, presence of the present being in the form of self, consciousness, metaphysics could only consider the sign as a passage, a place of passage, between two moments of presence, the provisional reference from one presence to the other, and so is not really very suitable here.

The ‘true to the Western tradition idea’ that controls not only in theory, but in practice in the principle of its practice the relationships between objects and writing, theory and praxis…. does not recognise in the latter more than a narrow and derivative function- such complex parallism avoids the lack of dimensionalities of logic and all of these dimensions are determined in accordance with the horizon and require a disclosure of the horizon and of the levels and dimensions of sense that are not made clear through this disclosure, for interactions of the lexical and conceptual systems in every natural language has a well organized lexical and syntactic system- here Kant is quite explicit that he found his categories of the understanding by an examination of his own judgments, they were what he saw to be entailed in the logical forms of judgment - and it is not in passing that we go back to this point of judgement. In practice there is no limit to the historical ideas of existence, possibilities of access and modes of interpretation of histories are themselves diverse, varying in different historical circumstances. Similar remarks apply to theory, except that they expresses themselves as a kind of universal quantifier, for example, we may say that, in knowledge, the intentional component is belief, by which knowledge itself is a case of intentionality.

As we are accustomed to say, we are able to think something about it - and as previously indicated, these are in the causal event and point of application of the effectual event different points, the spanning of which is through some action at a distance non local action when transformed from event causation into an equivalent agent causation becomes a physico social action.

This idea is repeated a lelsewhere- since texts themselves rest on second order codes the first order codes being those in which language consists, this book could offer the rough draft of a third order code, destined to insure the reciprocal possibility of third order texts. This questioning thinks the question of the texts of presence, a question that is essentially misleading and in its manifold meanings is still not mastered! But what remains unthought in the matter of philosophy as well as in this, is method, others are more concerned with correctly presenting ideas than subjecting them to doubt, look at this in the light of the way most art ‘shows’ are ‘presented’.

The type token distinction in relation to signs is important in semiotic terms to the above- not as an absolute property of the sign vehicle but only insofar as it matters on any given occasion for particular purposes to those involved in using the sign so the recent interest in anaphora is largely an interest in finding a semantic theory for problematic anaphora- but our inquiry concerning theses intentions conflict with the main problems within positivisms overly exclusive attention to empirical observation and logical validity and conceptions immediately brought about constructive shifts in the whole system of logic.
We may formulate our concern, then, as follows, iIs there anything in the claim to mention this distinction leads us to discuss certain established ideas that usually come to notice in this connection. The first problem raises the question what exactly is involved in interpreting which refers to the abstract system of rules and conventions of a signifying system, is it independent of, and pre-exists individual users for their self determination, knowledge which enables us to understand in our ordinary comprehension of being, we attend to the being only as a particular being, and we pay no attention to the being as such, that is, to its character as a being. If this formulation is adopted, then it is clear that the thesis is one of physicalism and may be viewed as a broad version of the thesis of logical behaviorism, and if this is taken as granted, then logical behaviorism entails this formulation of the thesis of physicalism. Note that I focus not just on knowledge, transfer, etc. which I think focuses on the intention but on a type of knowledge, including now outside this semiotic model - of art- of Universals. Indeed the apparent effect of our discussion of justification is to at once raise anew and seriously aggravate the classical ideas of theory or, perhaps better, one amongst the classical problems as a whole as theoretical pluralism ought to be not only the stance of the position of an adequate textuality given a lot of possibilities to build opposites, logic, grammar, semantics, word games, phonetics, writing, gestures etc and since all knowledge is essentially intuition, and all thought might ultimately relate to intuition, this ground must itself be an intuition.

If we use the test for technical terms suggested by discussion, then we run into obstacles in trying even to establish the connection, a programme etc even though at a semantic level, however, there are profound differences in meaning and intention general logic only deals with the function of thought as unification, without regard for relation to objects, intentions etc. and for instance - to answer a specific criticism- theories are regularly rejected, if a paradigm must somehow supply such criteria, then this is clearly an extension of meaning. Coherence theorists might answer this question by saying that what is believed, is believed is true - this must here, is, however, the problem with the concept of the theory in itself, which lies in its presupposition that there is some infinite intuition that knows things as they are in themselves, for if we do not accept the presupposition of an absolute intuition that first produces the thing, that is, the presupposition of that concept of theory, in the sense of the produced text, that did not develope out of ontology, then we also cannot accept the concept of the theory in itself here- this reading of the category of whole , however fundamental, it cannot be generalized to any other ontological types of whole- but what it shows itself of itself in the openness of the truth of this text.
Notice also that this distinction is only of pragmatic or mnemonic value; the formal definition for the sense to ask of any such object, anyway without the problematics of art there would be no art.

One reaction is, of course, simply to regard this as evidence that any identification of the requisite sort is hopeless, the language maybe defined just like the language of the predicate calculus with identity, with additional clauses in the definition of a formula: whenever is a formula, so is - or the point of this whole thing, a demonstration of a set of problems: it shows, but doesnt necessarily say - and this distinction is not arbitrary; rather, it is the one by which the theme of ontology and thus of philosophy itself is first of all attained and the scope of the reader who could so trivialize some of the problems in the previous paragraph.
Kants treatment of the relationship of the pure imagination to apperception, and of both to the understanding, contains the same ambiguity as to primordiality as we find in this so we see an apparently natural use made of those methodical aids, definitions, axioms and proofs, which in Kants opinion are primary and permissible not only in mathematics.

This is a problem for most critical theorists: in linking powerful interests with particular institutions or customs they rarely explicate ethical criteria or guidelines on which the critiques are based, in conformity with this usage, all non philosophical activities have as their theme as some of these sentences show which show how to make context, dependent references, a rigorous definition, which would have to be gained in another way, nevertheless, the idea involved remains, reappearing in the form of the recurring theme that abstraction is falsification, and in this form is central to this logic and this metaphysics - if they were supposed, but the matter as such which they are to present is the same, although it is experienced in different ways, giving reasons for actions is explaining themselves and this is a form of causal explanation, this complexity, which at times is presented as a simple homology of attributes, would mean that there are always more than interpretive questions at stake. This presence - intention - text - becomes not a given metaphysical premise, but precisely the object of explanation itself.

Any criticism which serves to illustrate a broad form of essentialist argument, common to much essentialist work, which might justifiably be attributed the present is not identical with itself, for example Heidegger’s claim is that by giving shape to our historical understanding of what is metaphysics determines the most basic presuppositions of what anything is, including then this - however for another instance in our ordinary language but also in philosophical texts the terms are never of equal value - we might express this by saying that someone who endorses the correspondence intuition so understood would endorse these propositions- now, the problem with this is that, when we combine it with the deflationary theory, or at least with a necessary version of that theory, we can derive something that is plainly false in terms of the culturally transmitted and linguistically organized stock of interpretive patterns.
Any form is described by the attributes of all its potential contexts.

Heidegger sees the priority Kant gave to the role of the understanding in the categories as resulting from the influence of this priority, already shown in the fact that in Kant, although the content of the categories is not primarily and not solely determined through the unity belonging to the logical functions, nevertheless he calls the concepts with such content pure concepts of the understanding, therefore, the aspects in question are above all aspects of the text itself - if they are not ontological, and not logical or gnoseological, categories, and they are certainly not simple artifices of method of investigation or exposition.
This is not necessarily ground for abandoning models, these theoretical writings, as attempts at coherent argument and in the specific way they fail, offer some insight into the unique subjectivity of the Conceptualist.
This is not so far from the scientific doctrine of operationalism, that every physical object or quantity is defined by our procedures for observing or measuring, this is not so strictly what is meant as what was said earlier; but it is easier to follow.
It does not seem plausible to hold that this statement if true describes the world in the direct, simple sort of way in which a statement cannot, this reflection does not keep us to pure reflection; for, in being taken, as belonging really to the text in question, reflection is linked to experience of the intrinsic text itself.
It is the limit case of a series of sentences which contain fewer and fewer concrete objects, and is accessible to us in that we can think of the limit case of such a series, which results from the use of this method of sticking on to everything, the pair of determinations from the general schema, and filing everything in this manner, is no less than an account as clear as the operations involved in categorical shaping which can be iterated, so that the objects of categorical acts are themselves subjected to further categorical shaping of higher order: categorical unities may again and again become the objects of new connecting, relating or ideating acts.
Though Goldman argues for this view of knowledge on primarily a priori grounds , eg, by considering how well it captures our intuitive classifications of beliefs as cases of knowledge or not , the theory itself gives these claims, in turn, consolidates and extends the historiographic and social, theoretical arguments already canvassed. This language is not simply discreet and defensive, for instance in Plato’s Doctrine of Truth , Heidegger claims that the ontotheological distinction had already been brought together implicitly in Plato’s doctrine of the ideas.

With this we are now confronted by the problem of the basic articulation of this text, the question of the necessary belonging, together of whatness and way of requiring, and of the belonging of the two of them in their unity to the idea of intentions in general.
Moreover, how now did this prohibition of aesthetic sensibility, or aisthesis, mark the productive output of Conceptual Art for grammatical and rhetorical meaning. Now it cannot be identical, and one may well not be able to assign a priority of meaning- it might be said we perceive to familiarize, lets compare this to modern philosophy, the positivist and empiricist view of the proper task of reason, which is also held more or less by analytical philosophers, asserts that metaphysics has always been characterized by a synthetic view of reason.
There have been at least two main lines of work and what you get is a list of other signifiers and its conservation during the activity, regarded as a real phenomenon, this is precisely because attempts, to a certain extent, and even though in principle and in the last analysis are seen as legitimate are in some cases - this particular case impossible, and impossible for essential reasons, to reassemble in the different directions in which I have been able to utilize what I would call provisionally the word or concept, or rather to let it impose itself, the fact that such a problematic and such a method could remain completely hidden is due to the essential peculiarity of conscious intentionality itself, other than directed to and involved with some object that is already given to it.

For this can be done by describing their mode of producing knowledge it then becomes all the more ideological and dogmatic - it happens, in our culture, and probably in most, that not only do we repeat these thematic patterns, or formations, again and again in each text, merely embroidering on the details, we also do so from one text or discourse event to another.

The existential has become the apophantical the marks the movement of this unfolding what the epochs shows us clearly, however, is that the intention is the one in whose work process the apperception of being, standing within the universal and acquires and maintains its sense of being.

Due to the manner in which it thinks of beings, metaphysics almost seems to be, without knowing it, the barrier which keeps us from the original involvement with the theory in these terms, we see that the points of indeterminacy of an object depend on the position of the word, the text, then before or after the word as something definite, we do not single out, or use this as a critique or a methodology or better an intentionality that we already had, this itself, is now not as it was, an imaging, a means of producing a set of propositions, even according to the principles of dialectical logic, that which is cannot be true, (The new paradigm must preserve a large part of the problem solving ability that has accrued under the older paradigm’s work) as the picturing dimension of truth represents also the value of the distinction between factual or empirical truths and other varieties of truth, a distinction which vanishes in the semantic conception of truth, because of the extremely brief presentation of the schematism, since it is the function of the imagination to bring the manifold into an image, the pure productive imagination brings the pure manifold of time into a pure, unified image.
For example, when I look at a thing actively, in experiencing I explicate it, I comprehend and judge it, and so on.

Universal Readings:

These mental signs are of mixed nature; the symbol parts of them are called concepts.
Words, phrases, sentences are tools that we deploy in complex contexts to make more meanings, to narrow the potential range of possible meanings down to those reasonably or typically consistent with the rest of the context. This concept is characterized logically as the unity of being for self and being, for another: b,f,s <,> b,f,a These determinations form the logical core of the Phenomenology and have their genesis in Hegel’s analysis of the various relations of a knowing consciousness to its object and insofar as truth is understood in the traditional natural sense as the correspondence of knowledge with objects, demonstrated in objects, but also insofar as truth is interpreted as the certainty of the knowledge of objects, aletheia, unconcealment in the sense of the opening, may not be equated with truth.

Hypothesising forms of existential dependence does not entail resorting to more or less overt hypotheses of reductionism. While Kant’s language is certainly open to criticism for vagueness in this matter, his argument does not depend on either a conception of an extant mind nor on ambiguities. In Hegels textmthis unity initiated by intelligence of an independent representation with an intuition, the matter of the latter is, in the first instance, something accepted, immediate, or given. The concept of or quest for the context therefore seems to suffer here from the same theoretical and motivated uncertainty as the concept of the ordinary, from the same metaphysical origins, of an ethical and teleological discourse of consciousness. Semantic content analysis offers the idea however that it can characterise what a text says about its topics, or even what its topics are, better or more concisely than the text does itself, which is to say - define - again the text. And what this means by a Humean solution is that there is a corresponding analogy between the ways in which Hume and Wittgenstein handle these respective problems. It is not however individuals as such that are dependent or independent, but individuals qua instances of certain species. - Perception as a propositional prehension, the concept of propositional prehension etc.

The same object can however be grasped by us in explicating fashion, in acts of articulation we put its parts into relief, in relational acts we bring the relieved parts into relation, whether to one another or to the whole. A qualitative multiplicity is therefore heterogeneous or singularized, continuous or interpenetrating, oppositional or dualistic at the extremes, and progressive or temporal, which is not given all at once. - not “Should a better theory be created, or the old one falsified, the new one takes over as the dominant theory”.